Skill Set: Kids and Money
Learn how to teach kids to make and manage money and how to budget with kids.
Take a peek at what's covered!
Kids and Money Workbook
What Makes a Successful Training Program
Homework: Share with The Group
Know Thyself... and Money
Good Rules and Tools
Skills to Teach by Age
An Exemplary Father
Principle #1: Make Your Messaging Empowering
Homework: Messaging
Principle #2: Work is Gift, Not a Punishment
Homework: Work is a gift
Principle #3: Get Money into Their Hands
Homework: Get money into their hands
Principle #4: Allow Them to Fail
Homework: Allow them to Fail
Principle #5: Develop Generous, Wise Hearts
Homework: Develop Generous, Wise Hearts
Kids Take Time
Homework: Biggest Take Aways
Ways to Have Kids in the Budget
Quiz: Kids and Money